Friday, January 17, 2014

meditation instruction

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Meditation Instruction

Integrated into what I teach my hypnosis clients, is the powerful tool of meditation. The benefits of meditation for both mental and physical importance have been researched with extraordinary results.  When the average person meditates daily, profound physiological changes occur.  The heart rate slows down, the blood flow to the brain increases, while the blood flow to the kidneys deceases.  While in meditation, you go into the "alpha state" in which meditation term refers to as "restful alertness."  The short term benefits also include positive changes in the hormones, lowered blood pressure, and increased mental clarity.  Most recent studies have found that when a person follows a structured meditation program over the course of 5 years, becomes biologically 12 years younger than a person born in the same year who does not meditate.  So both, short and long term studies have yielded profound results.
Meditation Is Not A Religion.   
Although it is true that meditation is part of many spiritual faiths, it is not in itself a religion.  Because of the medical research involving meditation proves It's a healthy practice, people of any faith or belief will positively improve their lives with a consistent daily meditation routine.  Since meditation brings about a calm sense of self awareness, many of the basic questions of mankind have been contemplated through meditation.  The questions of who am I? Why am I here?.. are the most basic fundamentals of mankind's quest for personal truth.  So it is no mystery why meditation has been the focus of many spiritual and religious faiths, because of It's ability to deepen the mind's creative contemplation of self.  I personally have been involved in meditation for a large part of my life, and as with hypnosis, It's power of resolve for positive change offers a priceless reward to those who engage in It's practice.

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