Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hypnosis for anger

Fort Smith Hypnosis

Hypnosis for anger management

Hypnosis induces a state of inner calm and wellbeing.  When a heightened state of emotion like rage, we lose our ability to reason.  How many times have noticed when angry that your ability to see things clearly is impaired, how all you can feel is the injustice to you.
Learning how to use hypnosis gives you an undercurrent of relaxation in all situations.  You can still feel anger but not to the explosive extent of before because you can recognize the signs and know that when you are calmer and more relaxed, you can think more clearly – being aware of other people’s body language and in fact, you will notice how solution focused you have become.  Your ability to be more objective and therefore, rational is very pronounced.
This can be evident after the first session, this sense of control over your anger.  NLP is used to build the visualization – how do you look, how do you feel? What does this mean to you?  What does it mean to remain the same?  Initially it is about managing the anger and you and as you develop your skills, you find yourself developing into a more centered and calmer person.  

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