Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hypnosis for fear of flying

Fort Smith Hypnosis

Fear of flying phobia

More and more people come for hypnotherapy to help overcome flying anxiety. Some people are mildly anxious about flying and find that it gets worse over time - others simply develop a full blown phobia for no apparent reason.
In our experience, there are three types of "fear of flying". There is the fear of crashing, the fear of not being in control and the fear which seems to be more a symptom of claustrophobia.
Strangely enough, more often than not, the nervous flyer fits a profile of someone who has flown often in the past and didn't always have the fear. Although, it certainly isn't always the case, we do generally find that the phobia or fear can be traced back to a particular incident but didn't necessarily become chronic at that point. The intensity or panic symptoms developed later
Often fear of flying begins at a time when someone is going through other problems or traumas and almost becomes an extension of that situation.

Overcoming a flying phobia

Practically speaking, what can be done about a fear of flying? Hypnosis can be extremely helpful and often helps to eradicate the fear completely. You need to start with a goal. Would you like to be able to enjoy flying or simply to cope with flying? If not enjoy, then why not?
We recommend hypnosis where you can choose from an extensive range of options.

Flying phobia, inconvenient as it may be, is essentially always positive. That may sound strange but then consider the idea of removing a phobia of flying to such an extent that you become happy to run onto a plane which is clearly not in a suitable condition to fly? This couldn't possibly be healthy.
Hypnotherapists have always seen a healthy benefit to fear, if that fear is logical. Illogical fear or irrational fear is just fear that has become a bit too intense. Hypnotherapy will certainly help you to desensitize the fear. You will always have an internal warning system should you ever need it but confidence in this fact allows you to get on and enjoy your life in the way you deserve.
If you could overcome your fear of flying, where would you go? Imagine you could confidently walk into a travel shop and book tickets anywhere - which destination would you choose?
Imagination can be used to create possibilities or to restrict you from doing something. Perhaps today could be the day you start to use your imagination in a different way.

Scared to Fly?

Turbulence can be uncomfortable, but is a normal part of flying
People are often frightened by turbulence, because they don't understand what is happening. Nervous flyers are scared, as it seems that the plane is falling out of the sky. They focus on the downward bumps as these are the most apparent, but in fact each downward bump is followed by an upward bump. These bumps are actually caused by slight tipples in the air, which is normally perfectly smooth. Think of it in terms of bumps in the road. It doesn't take huge craters or bumps to make for a jerky ride in a car. It's the same with turbulence - small disturbances in the air can make a plane ride feel uncomfortable, but there's no real danger.
The plane is designed, built and tested to rigorous safety levels
Modern airplanes have to be designed and built to comply with rigorous safety standards which are set out by independent aviation authorities. Airplanes and their equipment are manufactured by systems also monitored by aviation authorities. Once built, they are then tested in flight before being given a final seal of approval. They are built to withstand many more stresses and strains than they will ever encounter in flight - the safety margins are enormous. Aircraft are intended to be in the air - it's what they were made for.
Flying is routine
Everyday, just under three million people fly safely all around the world. If you watch planes taking off and landing at your local airport, or look at the arrival and departure boards in the airport, you'll understand just how many flights operate safely each and everyday. Flying really is just routine. It happens all the time with no problems.
The importance of thinking positively
Think positively all the time. If you catch yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, stop and bring yourself back to the positive. Focus on what is happening in the present moment and not what could happen in the future. It can be easy to start imagining a disaster film scenario - make the effort to redirect your wild imagination somewhere more positive. Distract and occupy yourself by reading, doing a puzzle, listening to music or watching a film, or having a conversation.
Tips to cope with feeling nervous
When you are frightened, you breathe more quickly and your heart starts to beat faster. Try this exercise to calm yourself. Push your stomach outward and slowly taking a deep, long breath in through your nose, fill your lungs with air. Hold this breath for a moment, then let it out gradually. Do this once or twice when you are feeling nervous and you will start to feel better. This is a simple but effective technique for calming yourself down. Practice it whenever you feel tense and soon it will become easy and natural.
Fear or panic itself cannot hurt you
The sensation of fear is your body's way of telling you that it perceives a threat to your safety. It is a protection mechanism, preparing us for the "fight or flight" response, and will not do you any harm in itself. Once you understand that the threat poses you no danger, the feeling of fear will vanish. A panic attack will not lead to heart attack or a loss of consciousness.

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