Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hypnosis for sports and fitness

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Athletic Performance And Fitness

Hypnosis has been a useful tool for athletes for many generations.  Whether you're a professional, or wanting to improve your tennis serve for weekend tournaments, hypnosis can be offer many options for improved mind-body performance and coordination. Anything that's a part of your daily ritual affects how you perform in your chosen sport or activity.  By learning about what personally motivates your peak performance, is how working with the unconscious mind can be of most benefit.  This is where meditation can be especially powerful when visualizing a victorious outcome, or improvement in any physical goal. Most successful people in sports or physical fitness will tell you the key element in their suburb performances lies in their ability to visualize the event.  Runners will visualize a better time, martial artists will visualize faster more powerful punches and kicks, skiers will visualize moving through a course with ultimate ease and grace.
Setting A Realistic Goal

The best formula for making improvements in your game or activity, is having a clear insight into "where you are" at the present time physically.  Always keep in mind that a stride toward an objective is most effective when knowing what your full potential is now.  Hypnosis in sports is based on training your ability to consistently engage in a daily structured regiment that will result in a higher level of performance. The short term benefit of hypnosis, is a renewed enthusiasm that results in a visualized outcome, based on improvement for the next event. Of course, the long term benefit of hypnosis along with meditation, is the empowerment of a new daily structured training discipline.

Hypnosis for intuition

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Developing Intuition Through Hypnosis
Intuition is an inner knowingness of things without reason or logic. It is the basis of all psychic information. Intuition is that hunch or that gut feeling that you just know something is going to happen, bad or good, without any particular reason. It's just a feeling that happens to you. It's also being able to tune into another persons energies, thoughts or feelings … and being able detect how they are feeling …

One of the most important elements of developing intuition is awareness.

How can you possibly tune into these invisible frequencies if you are not in touch with the more visible slower frequencies that exist all around you? It's important that you really get to know your body for these kinds of exercises. Your body is a receptacle for receiving information … whether it's through physical sensations, your thoughts, or your emotions or what you see and hear around you … if you are not in touch with what is normal for you, it's going to be difficult for you to recognize when you are receiving signs or being given some kind of information.

So, when I say aware, I mean … really begin to pay attention to what is going on in your body, particularly in the chakra areas … these will be clues for you that something is happening … Pay attention to how you are feeling … notice how you feel when you enter a room or someone's home, or a building … do you get a different feeling about one place or another? Same thing with people … begin to become so curious about people … notice things about them that you would not ordinarily notice … look into their eyes … notice their voice … see if you can detect what their mood is without asking them … and then once you feel like you are getting good at that … validate your experience, by asking them, "are you feeling this particular way right now?"

You may want to choose several close friends that you trust won't feel weird about psychic phenomenon and practice tuning in to their energy in this same way … You can do it face to face, over the phone, or even remotely … but if you do it remotely, you may want to let them know about it ahead of time that you'll be doing some work on them at a certain time on a certain day … and don't let them know the exact time, but at least the day … and then to get the validation ask them if they thought about you at a particular time and see if they picked up your signals …

So, once again, the key here is awareness …

Another thing to become aware of is auras … An Aura is a field of energy … and if you pay close attention, you can see the field of energy around most people and things … So, you can practice this by even looking at your own hands, allowing your eyes to get a little blurry, which is sort of a trance hypnotic state and then you may notice an outline of maybe white or another color around your hands … you can also see this around your animals if you have any, or plants, other people, objects in nature, or even the furniture in your house …

You'll notice that not only can you see this energy, but you can feel it too … If you take your hands for example, and hold them close together about one inch apart, you will feel a warmth emanating from your hands … and if you slowly pull them further and further apart you can see or feel this energy as far as two feet apart … That is because the energy within our body does not stop at our skin, where we can see with the naked eye … this energy surrounds our bodies for quite a ways beyond what we can see … and you can even tune into this energy and begin to see the energy … and while the energy does fade out at a certain point … it really doesn't come to a distinct end … meaning, that our energy is commingling with the energy in the atmosphere and every person with whom we encounter … And so at this level … the atomic level, we are virtually all connected … so, it stands to reason why we really can intuitively feel another persons feelings, and even tune into the thoughts that they have … we influence people with our thoughts and with our feelings …

Becoming more perceptive to all the things that exist in your awareness and then going beyond that is what becoming intuitive is all about …

Of course keeping an open mind is equally important … when you first begin developing intuition, you may wonder, "Am I just making it up?" or chalk up your experiences to your imagination. One of the most important things to understand here is that just because a thing is in the imagination does not mean that it does not exist.

This thing called imagination seems to get a bad rap, especially in your formidable years as a child, in hearing such things as, Oh, it was only your imagination. It's interesting to notice though, how as a child gets older they seem to become ashamed of using their imagination and it eventually it ceases all together. On the other hand, every great discovery that has ever been created was created first in the imagination … And I'll quote Einstein, who said: Imagination is more important than Knowledge.

So, do not discount this powerful resource of information, your imagination is a big key to your success in your psychic work … eventually, you will be able to trust the instincts that come from your imagination … you will be able to validate your experiences … and ultimately your imagination will work for you the way it did when you were a child and you will be more available to these experiences …  Terry Everson


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hypnosis for diabetes

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Hypnosis for diabetes
· Compliance – In many cases, the patient is non-compliant to his doctor’s plan for a healthier lifestyle. With hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques, we can tap directly into the subconscious mind and reprogram the patient’s thought process to follow the doctor’s orders. The patient begins to eat better, exercise more, lose weight and ultimately get in control of his diabetes.

  • · Less Stress and More Relaxation – Controlling anxiety and stress is important in managing diabetes. Hypnosis is one of the best ways to reduce stress and increase relaxation. In fact, hypnosis is nothing more than a very deep state of relaxation, and relaxation plays an integral role in better health.

  • · Mind Games with The Pancreas – Under hypnosis, the therapist can tap the subconscious and offer suggestions for the body to produce the proper levels of insulin. This might not work for everyone, but the power of the mind has the ability to heal many common ailments and diseases in the human body. Similar strategies have been used to help mothers produce breast milk, or to alleviate pain and allow mothers to have a natural childbirth, for example.

  • · Reduces Depression and Emotional Eating – Studies show that people with diabetes are at an increased risk for depression, which can lead to emotional eating and make it more difficult to manage insulin levels. Hypnosis can increase self-confidence, improve the quality of sleep and improve the belief about a brighter future, thereby reducing depression and emotional eating and helping the patient control his diabetes and overall mental health.

  • · Breaks The Cycle of Bad Habits – Hypnosis can reverse the cycle of habitual negative behaviors that lead to diabetes like overeating, snacking on sweets, being dormant and more. The power of suggestion and visualization can eliminate destructive habits and literally reprogram the subconscious to want to make better and healthier choices.
  • Terry Everson  Fort Smith Hypnosis

Friday, February 7, 2014

Athletic performance

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Athletic Performance

Hypnosis has been a useful tool for athletes for many generations.  Whether you're a professional, or wanting to improve your tennis serve for weekend tournaments, hypnosis can be offer many options for improved mind-body performance and coordination. Anything that's a part of your daily ritual affects how you perform in your chosen sport or activity.  By learning about what personally motivates your peak performance, is how working with the unconscious mind can be of most benefit.  This is where meditation can be especially powerful when visualizing a victorious outcome, or improvement in any physical goal. Most successful people in sports or physical fitness will tell you the key element in their suburb performances lies in their ability to visualize the event.  Runners will visualize a better time, martial artists will visualize faster more powerful punches and kicks, skiers will visualize moving through a course with ultimate ease and grace. 
Setting A Realistic Goal

The best formula for making improvements in your game or activity, is having a clear insight into "where you are" at the present time physically.  Always keep in mind that a stride toward an objective is most effective when knowing what your full potential is now.  Hypnosis in sports is based on training your ability to consistently engage in a daily structured regiment that will result in a higher level of performance. The short term benefit of hypnosis, is a renewed enthusiasm that results in a visualized outcome, based on improvement for the next event. Of course, the long term benefit of hypnosis along with meditation, is the empowerment of a new daily structured training discipline.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hypnosis for improved concentration

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Hypnosis for improved concentration
Lack of concentration affects all kinds of people. The symptoms are hard to ignore – rather than focus on the matter in hand, you regularly daydream and drift away to escape from whatever you’re doing. You’re easily distracted and avoid tasks that require a lot of thought or focus. Instead you’ve a ‘grasshopper mind’, jumping from one thing to another. Often your memory is unreliable, as is your sense of time and inability to organize yourself properly.
 Advanced concentration abilities is the main reason for good performance level in school, work, or in other activities. Concentration is not possible when you experience emotional problems, physical pain, or loss of interest towards something. Improved concentration is attained with factors like dedication and interest to the assigned task, skill and ability about the certain task, balanced physical and mental state, and a suitable environment with fewer distractions. Balancing these factors and practicing to focus will enhance your concentration ability. The reason for concentration problems varies depending on the individuality of a person. Hypnotherapy can provide insight, guidance and direction to establish personal learning goals, boost self-esteem and create motivation. Enhanced learning and improved memory result.
In hypnosis, your brain’s ability to sustain concentration at increased levels will grow, not recede. Hypnosis serves as a very effective set of training wheels of sorts which can be slowly lifted, then finally removed as your ability to improve concentration and focus — or “steer straight” — gets better and better. Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to cleanse away unproductive old habits and negative emotional associations to clear the way for success.
Besides getting you into a state of total concentration, hypnotherapy also allows you extreme peace. This relaxation helps prepare your body for waking states of action by giving you deep levels of rejuvenation and confidence which greatly enhance your ability to carry out actions that require to improve concentration.
During hypnotherapy, you can still think logically but you also have access to the ‘software’ of your mind so that you can update instinctive emotional and physical responses. In fact the hypnotized subject (not the hypnotist) calls the shots. Hypnosis will give you more control in your own life because of what it enables you to do. This is a great way to improve concentration. Hypnosis is a safe environment to ‘try out’ new behaviors and emotional patterns before you experience them for real.      Terry Everson

Forensic hypnosis

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Forensic hypnosis is not a  power that one possesses to use some “golden lasso” to get a serial killer to confess.  Typically, a forensic hypnosis session involves a willing witness or victim.  “Willing,” meaning the person volunteering is motivated to tell the truth.  In investigations we find people that want to help, but at times they can have motives contrary to finding the truth.
 When searching for the truth, often investigators are confronted with untrustworthy or blank memories.  Investigators and detectives around the world have closed cases or placed them in the cold case file for want of information.  Many times, the case remains dormant while time passes and no new leads are found.  A new lead may come about, but often it is vague and hard to confirm.  When a forensic hypnotist is asked for assistance his or her goal is to refresh memory if possible.  Any information gained from a forensic hypnosis session must be corroborated by an independent investigation.   Strict rules exist involving the ethical standards of forensic hypnosis.  The professional forensic hypnotist should not misrepresent his/her credentials, training or experience.
 When conducting the pre-hypnosis interview and the forensic hypnosis session, the welfare of the witness or victim comes first.  No matter how crucial the information to be elicited may seem, the subject’s welfare is the primary focus.  If the hypno-investigator feels that the session may be harmful to the witness, the session may need to be postponed or cancelled entirely.  Rapport and trust are crucial to the relationship of the hypno-investigator and the subject undergoing hypnosis.  This may begin with talking about hobbies, likes and dislikes of the subject.  This can be important in assisting the hypno-investigator as to how to conduct the session and give him/her insight into the personality of the witness or victim. When speaking of confidentiality of witnesses Martin Reiser, Ed.D, the Father of Investigative Hypnosis states: “Information learned from an investigative hypnosis session has the same status as other investigative material.  Generally, this information should be kept in confidence with the usual legal and professional exceptions.” 
 All forensic hypnosis sessions should be recorded.  Marx Howell, retired Texas Department of Public Safety Inspector and premier authority on Investigative Hypnosis says the session should be recorded from “hello to goodbye.”  Whether it is audio, video, or both, the session should be fully documented.  It is a common practice to have both.  Many hypno-investigators have two video cameras operating during a session, in case of malfunction. 
Howell is adamant that all equipment should be tested and tested again to ensure everything is operable.  Another point Howell stresses is that everyone in the room should be identified by name, position, agency and purpose for being present during the interview.  Often, composite artists, lead case investigators and advocates for the victim may be present during the interview.  However, this is at the discretion of the lead investigator and the hypno-investigator at the time of the interview. 
 This is a brief overview of what is involved in the field of forensic hypnosis.  Later articles will include the “nuts and bolts” of what increases the chances of success.  Undoubtedly, the reader of future articles will find that hours of training, practice, experience and a multitude of considerations for each session must be addressed.  The purpose here is to merely inform the reader and give a cursory view of what is involved.
                               Terry Everson Fort Smith Hypnosis

Sunday, February 2, 2014

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Fort Smith Hypnosis

Hypnosis for insomnia

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Hypnosis for insomnia
We've all "been there." Tossing and turning, getting up, maybe reading a little, or watching a little TV. Then more tossing and turning, still unable to fall asleep and, finally, out of sheer exhaustion, we do "drop off."
Or we have occasionally fallen asleep and then, only two, three, or four hours later, woken up, unable to go back to sleep. We may even ask ourselves, "What's going on here?"
These two experiences are the more common forms of insomnia, i.e., 1) Inability to get to sleep. 2) Inability to maintain sleep. When either or both of these conditions become chronic, they can easily affect our ability to cope and our overall capacity to effectively function in our everyday activities.
The good news is, once we understand the real behavioral dynamics at work here, these conditions can be easily corrected.

How We Get To Sleep

Let's examine how a person who has no difficulty getting to sleep actually does it. Most people are unaware that someone who lies down in bed and "goes to sleep" actually moves through four different stages, the last of which is unconscious sleep.

The four stages of sleep are:

  1. Thinking
  2. Fantasy
  3. Hypnoidal
  4. Unconscious Sleep

Stage 1 - Thinking

When we get into bed, we start thinking about the events of the day or, possibly, what will happen tomorrow, or any myriad of things.

Stage 2 - Fantasy

Whether the person is consciously aware of it or not, his thoughts eventually turn to thoughts ASSOCIATED with relaxation. (Perhaps thought of a future vacation or activity in a place that person already associates with feeling relaxed.)

Stage 3 - Hypnoidal

As both the mind and the body relax, the muscles release tensions, and the person enters a light stage of hypnosis, known as hypnoidal. When a person enters this state of mind, he is still conscious, yet he also experiences time distortion and some amnesia. We actually must enter this hypnoidal stage because it is what enables us to attain the last stage. (No one, for instance, can honestly say, "Last night I fell asleep at 11:34 p.m. and 17 seconds.") It is the amnesia and time distortion aspects of the hypnoidal stage that make it impossible to identify the moment of transition from hypnoidal to unconscious sleep. We simply "drift" from one to the other.

Stage 4 - Unconscious Sleep

We are not consciously aware of anything going on around us.

People who have difficulty getting to sleep

This person has great difficulty transitioning from thinking to fantasy, or he simply stays in the thinking stage way too long; usually because he is worried about something or doesn't know how to control his own mind.
Now that we know about the four stages, the strategy for someone having difficulty initially getting to sleep is to skip the thinking stage altogether. Therefore, when the person gets into bed to go to sleep, he needs to begin visualizing or imagining the fantasy stage. Remember, the fantasy stage needs to be thoughts associated with relaxation.
One way to develop a fantasy stage is to reflect upon some real experience where you really were feeling relaxed. This could be when you were on a vacation or involved in some activity that you associate with relaxation. One of my clients visualizes riding north on Pacific Coast Highway, while another visualizes an imaginary round of golf on one of his favorite courses. Yet another visualizes being on a beach on the island of Maui. It is important that you use your own experience because you already associate that occasion with relaxation. It is most important that you stay in or maintain that fantasy thought process. That will eventually draw you into the hypnoidal stage and then into unconscious sleep.

Alternative method for getting to sleep

Yet another way of understanding how we get to sleep is to recognize that the combination of stages 2 (fantasy) and 3 (hypnoidal) result in the person actually hypnotizing himself. A person may not be consciously aware that that is actually what he is doing, but, in fact, it is.

How to use Self-Hypnosis to get to sleep

Self-hypnosis (like meditation) is possible because of two Dominant Laws of Suggestibility. (These laws of suggestibility, of which there are five, are literally how we learn everything.) The Laws of Association and Repetition are what make self-hypnosis possible.

Hypnotizing Yourself

Step One is to make sure your body is relaxed. Relaxation occurs when there is an absence of tension in the muscles. A good technique to accomplish this is to sequentially tense and release the muscles in the different areas of your body. Starting with the area of the feet up through the knees, first tense, then release the tension. Next, concentrate on the thighs through the hips, again, tensing and releasing the tension. Then bring your focus to your abdomen, chest, and shoulders, and do the same (tense and release), followed by the areas from your shoulders down through the arms and hands, all the way to your fingertips. Lastly, do not tense the mouth and jaw areas, but simply release any unnecessary tension there.
The next three steps replicate the physiological (body) changes experienced by anyone entering hypnosis. Take a really deep breath, hold it for a moment, then slowly exhale. (The brain and body require more oxygen to enter hypnosis.) Now create a swallow (you can do this by pretending to swallow something.) Next, roll your eyes up (eyelids closed, looking up into the forehead). This causes the eyelids to "flutter," replicating the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) of sleep.
There are several options for this next step. You could visualize or imagine your "fantasy" stage, as mentioned above, noting that it is very important to control your thoughts and stay in the visualization. Another option is to concentrate on your breathing and, only on the exhale, repeat a series of words, such as: peaceful, restful, sleep or beautiful, deep, restful, sleep.
With either option, you have by now, indeed, hypnotized yourself, and that state of mind will draw you into unconscious sleep.

People who have difficulty maintaining sleep

Let's ask a very important question: What would cause a person who has fallen asleep to suddenly be reawakened to consciousness? The usual culprit is something I call toxic worry. When we are worried about something that will occur the next day or about some important issue going on in our lives, it can interrupt our sleeping through the night. It is similar to children who are excited about Santa coming on Christmas Eve. They have difficulty getting to, and maintaining, sleep. I call it toxic worry because during those hours when it affects us, there is usually very little we can do, if anything, about the "issue" in question. No business is being conducted, people we may want to contact are probably sleeping and, at that time, when fatigued, we are not at our best.

Strategy for maintaining sleep

This strategy for maintaining sleep throughout the night is based on two elements of human behavior: 1) As we approach sleep, we become more "suggestible." Remember that to attain the unconscious sleep state, we must pass through the "hypnoidal" stage (of hypnosis). As we approach this stage, our mindset is one of receptiveness, or increased suggestibility. (For this reason, it is also a good idea to avoid depressing, fear-provoking news programs prior to sleep.) 2) There is one person in our lives to whom we are the most suggestible: ourselves. We talk ourselves into and out of things. Whatever we tell ourselves, we are more likely to follow through on.
Considering that toxic worry can trigger us out of unconscious sleep, a good strategy for maintaining sleep is to give ourselves a "suggestion" when getting into bed. Say to yourself (aloud or silently), "I refuse to worry during my sleep state. This kind of worrying accomplishes nothing. I deserve my peaceful, restful, sleep." When we tell ourselves that, we are certainly more likely to follow that suggestion (or advice).

Getting back to sleep

Sometimes, we do wake up in the middle of our sleep, whether it's for a trip to the bathroom, a pet disturbing us, a change in room temperature, a loud noise, a light going on or off, or toxic worry. An excellent strategy for getting back to sleep is to concentrate on your normal breathing. (What you are really doing is controlling your thoughts.) Become aware of how your normal inhale and exhale actually feel. This takes some practice, but once you concentrate on your normal inhale and exhale, begin repeating a series of words only on the exhale: peaceful, restful, sleep or peaceful, deep, restful, sleep.
What this repetition of words (silently or aloud) actually does is prevents you from going back into the thinking stage. You could also think of this repetition of words as a "substitute fantasy stage." With practice, you will most likely be back asleep within five to ten repetitions of the series of words.

Terry Everson Fort Smith Hypnosis

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hypnosis for self confidence

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Hypnosis for self confidence and improved self image
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that communicates with your subconscious mind and replaces your negative self doubts and beliefs with more positive thoughts that help you see how capable you really are.  The possibilities are endless when your confidence soars.
By working with a professional hypnotherapist, you can make profound differences in the way you approach life.  You will seize the bull by the horns and take charge of your life.  Your shyness and fears will dissipate as you become stronger and more confident. 
Hypnosis is an empowering tool that will help you grow.  It has been proven to be an effective self help instrument that positively changes lives.  You can take advantage of this help and use it in your life.  It doesn’t get any easier to make such immense changes in your life.  You can make your self confidence fly and enjoy your life to its fullest.  Terry Everson Fort Smith Hypnosis