Friday, January 31, 2014

Hypnosis for memory improvement

Fort Smith Hypnosis
Hypnosis for memory improvement
One of the best ways to improve memory is through hypnosis. This is because your brain registers an event, thought, or feeling which is then retained in the subconscious, where it is stored until it is retrieved. Your subconscious retains, or stores everything you have ever experienced, even things that might not have seemed important. Your subconscious is like one big data server, housing all the information of everything you have seen, felt, or thought. Even so, sometimes we are unable to remember something. This is where hypnosis comes in.
When you can't recall something, like where you put something important, or a memory that seems forgotten, hypnosis can help you access where this data is stored. Sometimes we can't remember something because our subconscious has blocked our memory of it, and sometimes we can't recall something because we just can't concentrate deep enough to retrieve it.
Through various hypnosis techniques, a certified hypnotist can identify and remove any blocks in our subconscious, and then replace those blocks with truthful statements that prevent the subconscious from re-blocking it. Your hypnotist is also able to reprogram how the subconscious retains information, kind of like cleaning out a messy filing cabinet, or defragmenting our internal data servers, making your memories more accessible.
Hypnosis to Improve Memory
If you have ever driven yourself crazy looking for a misplaced item, or if you can't remember the name of the person you just met earlier in the day, you know that these kinds of struggles can be extremely frustrating.
One of the best ways to improve how you retain information is to ensure you have a clear retrieval system. Through hypnosis, your hypnotist can put you in a hypnotic state that quiets your brain, eliminates distractions, and heightens your focus on specific areas in the subconscious. This enables you to retrieve that specific memory.
For example, maybe you put the combination code for your new wall safe in a place where it would never be discovered. However, in time, you forget where that hiding place is. Your hypnotist can quiet your mind, and help your subconscious focus on the day when you hid the combination. By asking you a series of questions pertaining to that specific day and time, while your brain is in a highly focused state, you will be able to remember where the combination is. Hypnosis helps you find misplaced items, or retrieve seemingly forgotten memories, and enhances your retention and retrieval processes.
Sometimes we cannot recall simple yet important things like holiday or anniversaries because our subconscious has connected them with a hurtful or upsetting event from your past. In this case, no matter how hard we try, we just can't remember what we have forgotten.
During hypnosis, your hypnotist can remove whatever blocks are in the way of the retrieval process by allowing your brain to recognize that the pain or frustration of the past has no place in what's going on today. This allows your subconscious to put distance between that event and what it is that you are trying to remember. Once your subconscious is unlocked through hypnosis, your memory will improve.
Terry Everson Fort Smith Hypnosis

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